NEOSUPERMASS provides a secure, reliable and dedicated platform service allowing clients to trade in a very variety of FOREX, Indices and Commodities. FINTECHFX. has successfully partnered by incorporating from the largest providers inside the Global trading market including Barclays, Bank of America, UBS and Deutsche Bank.
Founded in 2016 through the Investment Group Neo Super Mass, FINTECHFX was designed by a team of experienced Traders wanting to provide market-leading trading service. FINTECHFX have designed a platform to handle high-frequency trading volumes supported by a network of four independent data centers and high-tier liquidity providers to ensure that their Straight-Through Processing (STP) business design works efficiently constantly.
Neo Super Mass is found Melbourne, Australia and is also regulated through the Australian Securities & Investments Commissions (ASIC) AFSL. No.493603. FINTECH FX can be regulated in NFA (ID 0509912).
NEOSUPERMASS supplies a 24 hour/7 day per week International Customer Support Service to ensure all account issues are resolved efficiently. All major currency pairings are supported and also several minor currencies. We also support CFD’s to become traded in indices, equities and commodities. FINTECHFX uses the MetaTrader4 electronic trading platform which supports both desktop and mobile trading. FINTECHFX happens to be leveraged at 100:1.
Software Trading Platform Source= massfinancial advisory and services